Installing Mariner Write is easy. Just follow the steps below and you should be ready to use Mariner Write in minutes.
1. Open the MarinerWrite folder.
The System Support Files folder contains various Apple system files as self-extracting archives. These items are detailed in the System Support Files section that follows.
2. Launch the Mariner Write™ Installer program.
a. Click the Drive button to change the disk where you want to install Mariner Write. The Mariner Write folder is always installed on the top level (root) of the disk you select.
b. Press the Install button.
4. Choose which type of Mariner Write application you want to install. Either PowerMacintosh or Macintosh is selected depending on the Mac you’re using.
Choose the Universal option if you intend to use Mariner Write on both a Macintosh and PowerMacintosh. The universal Mariner Write application requires more disk space and memory.
5. Restart your Mac after the installation is complete.
6. Use the registration document register by e-mail or fill out and return the registration card. Please include a least one e-mail address so we can send you updates to the Mariner Write application, tips and tricks, and other special offers!
System Support Files Folder
If not already installed, Apple Guide and AppleScript Extensions are provided as self-extracting archives. Simply double-click the item you want to install.
The Apple Guide Extension is required to use the on-screen help files provided with Mariner Write. The AppleScript Extension is required to run any of the AppleScripts provided in the Scripts folder.
If not already installed, those using system software previous to version 7.5 should install the Macintosh Drag and Drop Extension provided in the Pre-System 7.5 folder. Those using Apple Guide on System 7.0/7.0.1 should also install the Apple Guide Enabler Extension.
Before installing these files, check to see if they’re already present on your Mac but have been disabled. If so, move them to the Extensions folder and restart your Mac.
note: if you downloaded an upgrade file the system support files are not included. You will find them on your original installation disks.
What do we Install?
The installer only places files in the Mariner Write 2.0 folder. We do not modify the system software or add extensions, control panels or any other system modifying programs. Mariner Write is designed to run with extensions off, making troubleshooting much easier.